Crowdfire App Reviews

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Used to love it, hate it now.

This app used to be one of the best apps like it in the App Store. You used to be able to unfollow 100 people per hour, now its 25 per day! Uninstalling and getting a different app. Not worth my time to keep this one unless they go back to their previous limits.


There are better follow/unfollow apps out there. After the recent updates this app has gone to sh*t.

Avoid like the plague

I used it for I cant believe they make that Instagram and used to tell people about it. But their decision to first limit their unfollows and then try to charge you monthly as a premium feature. Its sorta like going to McDonalds and ordering ice cream and then they give you only the cone and charge you a monthly fee for a lick of the ice cream, lame product

New limits are terrible!

I used to use this app all the time but with the recent update they limit you to 25 follows a day. Definitely no longer worth downloading :(

This app used to be good

This app used to be good for unfollowing people. Then it just got worse and worse until finally became F#$#$ING USELESS. 25 unfollows per day? Are you kidding me? Do you want to drive people away from your service? Or do you just want to make money? Who the F#$% would pay for 25 unfollows an hour, when you used to offer 100 unfollows an hour FOR FREE? WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!???? I HATE YOU! IF I EVER SEE SOMEBODY WHO WORKS AT CROWDFIRE ON THE STREET I’M GOING TO DUMP A MILKSHAKE ON THEIR STUPID HEAD!

Good Bye

That is all she wrote. This app is not what it used to be.

Not worth paying for.

I paid to have my limits increased, but now they wont let me switch accounts, so its useless. Updates have ruined the app.

its good but..

I used to be able to unfollow 100+ now I can only unfollow 25.


this used to be my favourite app and now with this new update I HAVE TO PAY 13 DOLLARS A MONTH just so I can enjoy the features. If it was a onetime payment of 5 dollars I would be okay with it, but now I am very disappointed in this app sadly.


Love this app - so easy to use!

F#%%% u

First used to be 100, then 60 now 25 per day , is that a joke ? Deleting it f u

Well done!

Very very good UI. Smooth as butta.

The Best

It is the Best!

Great app

This is a great app. only been using it in free mode for three days and am already seeing results from the changes Ive made.

Used to be good

Since cutting the daily unfollow limit to 25 and trying to make users pay for more, this app has become redundant.

now its 14$ a month???!!

must be a joke deleting the app


Why can I only unfollow 25 people every 24 hours? I had this app a couple of months ago and deleted it by accident. Once I realized it was gone, I got it back again and now its changed. I am acquiring this app to unfollow people that I dont need to follow anymore. I am very unhappy.

wont refresh

I cant refresh my unfollowers for instagram starting april 9th. disappointed :(

Dont download update!

The publish and timeline does not work at all. Wont even load. Crashes when it sends me a push notification.

Update ruined app

Since the update I am unable to see non followers.

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